Monday, May 7, 2012

Just, WOW.

I have to say I'm amazed at how huge on a kink my Florida trip threw into my better eating habits. I left for Orlando on April 16th and was there for work through the 19th. And in four days, just FOUR DAYS, I managed to completely fall off my wagon and have still not been able to completely get back on. Meals were obviously provided all week, so I didn't have much control over what I was able to eat. :( To make matters worse, my Meniere's reared it's ugly head and I got sick the last night of the trip. Needless to say, I was more than happy to get home.

But being exhausted from my trip had me immediately retreating back to my old habits. I found myself eating out, in fast food lines and right back to my dessert binges. An to be quite honest, not much has changed. I haven't really been watching my sodium as I was before and I can definitely tell the difference. My days over the past week or so have been a little fuzzy and borderline dizzy/nauseated. Yesterday I just kept thinking of the down hill spiral I've been on and how I can quickly get back on track and my first thought was to blog about it. My reason for starting this blog was to have an outlet to talk about this journey and the ability to come back and revisit how I felt and what was working or not working. And what I'm doing right now, is NOT working, so it needs to change.

So for this week, I am focusing on getting back in the kitchen and making the sodium appropriate meals I need to be eating. I took a while to get back into the swing of cooking or preparing for every mean, but I really did to start feeling better, so it's time to start it up again. Also, want to be sure and post everyday this week. Even if it's just a short and sweet entry, it needs to be done. :)

That's all I have for today. I missed writing to you guys and hope to make my absences fewer and fewer. What's been going on with you guys while I've been gone? Any suggestions for getting back on the bandwagon?