Saturday, June 30, 2012

Women Be Shopping...Oh, And Walking

Wanted to give ya'll a little tour of our living room...


TOTALLY kidding, Lord knows I wish I wasn't. In total excitement, I found myself snapping this pic via instagram while we shopped til we dropped today at West Elm. If you remember, I shared our updated floors with you a couple weeks ago. I LOVE them, they are dark chocolate and look amazing with our grey walls and new crispy white wall trim. But the one downfall, I am sad to say, is something I was more than once warned about, dark floors SHOW EVERYTHING. I mean you can see the Who Horton hears on our floors! Every dust particle, dog or human hair, leaf, grass blade, water spot and anything else that could possibly end up on the floor is accounted for and present. And even after facing the cold hard truth, I don't think I would go back and change my mind. They just look too good. :) So along with doing our research to find the best duster/mop/steamer on the market for laminate wood floors (your suggestions are welcomed!) we also thought adding area rugs would help collect a little bit of the debris as well, as gross as that sounds.

Before I go any further with my story let me just interject with a little background information on our home renovation spend plan. And I'm sorry if we've had this conversation before. When we purchased this home, we knew there would be renovations to be had. What we I didn't know is that since we didn't have a designated chunk of change readily available, these renovations would happen slowly over time. And just to be clear, it wasn't that I thought we had money and we didn't or that Acker hid money from me. I was well aware there was no money, I just was severely hopeful that we would just find some along the way, you know...under the mattress, in an old purse or maybe in a pair of jeans in the dryer.  So the process of falling in love with our first house has been a little slow in the making for me. In fact, only about 3 months in, I was already talking about our next house. But as we Acker painted, gave our kitchen a much needed uplift , laid down new floors and replaced doors and trim, our house has begun to win over my heart. And now we are working to my our first house, our first home. The most important part of that sentence, DECOR!!!!! Okay, now back to our regular scheduled posting...

So off to West Elm we went. We made our way with two intentions, purchase area rugs (for the living room, entry way, back door and possibly the bedroom) and order a new couch!!!!!! We I have been staking the West Elm sight for months now and even made a few dry run visits with a few on staff designers. But TODAY was the real deal. I walked in ready to  rattle off the items I needed and with every intention of being in and out of there within an hour. So clearly, two and half hours later we walked out and now, I'd like to introduce you to our newest additions to the Acker household.

 Back door jute. And if you're thinking new door? You're right!

 Front door jute, hopefully she'll be accompanied by a new door as well soon.

Living room jute, looks totally different in this shot, but same color as the other two.

And one of my two favorite purchases from today, a little ivory shag, on clearance! Ignore the curtains, was trying something different with the curtains, but not a fan.

And as for my other favorite purchase from today...feast your eyes on this bad boy.

You know the saying pain is beauty, well apparently, the saying works in the world of home decor as well. Although we did our fair share of jumping up and down in celebration of our new couch, we won't be able to actually bask in our awesome purchase for another 10-12 weeks. :( I guess that's just the price you pay. So in the mean time and to totally get back on track as to why we're here in the first place, I will have to spend the next 10-12 weeks exhausted on the old girl below after late night walks. 

Thursday and Friday we're not the most healthiest days. Between sushi, red velvet cupcakes and mac n cheese hamburgers, work had me all sorts of stress eating with no time left for walking. So this evening I dragged myself up and out the door for a super late walk. Not nearly as hot as my last walk, but just as exhausting. I think that's due to the two day break/binge fest. But if I can sneak a walk in tomorrow I will have kept on target with my 5 walks per week for this week and one week closer to starting the couch to 5K routine. :)

So, sorry this was a long one, but posts like these make me happy because, well more so than needing a place to vent and share as I trek through this little journey, this is a place where I can just write. Which is something I really love to do. So thanks for the ears eyes. And  don't be shy...leave me a note, let me know you're there!!!!

Friday, June 29, 2012

61 Ways

So work is slowly, but surely killing me today.

That being said I have no creative juices flowing. So instead of forcing myself to try and witty and entertaining, I thought I would share an article I found via on Pinterest via my friend Jenny. 61 Easy Ways to Lose Weight. Out of 61 EASY WAYS, there's got to be one or two I can try and tackle, right?

Anything on that list you've tried and was successful?

Hopefully, by close of business today I will be lakeside and enjoying a little two day hiatus with the husband.

What are your weekend plans?????

Thursday, June 28, 2012


I am posting today to celebrate small victories, because let's face it, the large victories are so far and few between, I have to have SOMETHING to keep me motivated. Tuesday night we had a little movie on the couch action. We rented 21 Jump Street and it was AWESOME, go rent it, like right now, go. Our normal routine as of late has been come home, make dinner, eat dinner, digest dinner and then head out for our evening walk some time between 7:30pm and 8:00pm. And earlier than that and it's hotter than Hades, more on that to follow. So, to allow for the movie mix, I suggested we walk first and then proceed to with our dinner plans as normal. So we did and I sooo regret it. Before we even hit the end of our street I was cotton mouthed, my right calf had cramped up, I couldn't keep the sweat out of my eyes and my skin felt like it had thousands of tiny fire ants crawling all of it from the sun beating down on us. MISERABLE. We battled through the rest of our walk, not without me threatening to stop by every house to ask for water, or tempted to sprawl out under any shaded area we came across just for some shelter from the sun. We successfully made it home, but not without looking like I had just been rescued from a week long trek through the Sahara Desert. It was bad. But I have to say I was very proud of myself for having walked at all. The old me would have just as easily skipped the walk, just like that. Small Victory #1! 

Small Victory #2  happened yesterday. And for those of you paying attention, you read that right, that's two small victories back to back B!TCHES. Insert DJ Khaled's All I Do is Win right...about...NOW!

Okay, I'm back. As I was saying, yesterday I got home to discover Acker has invited his brother and brother's girlfriend over for dinner before their soccer game. So Acker was not going to be able to do our walk with me. Having a partner is crime on this little journey is a MUST for me. I can talk myself into and out of things WAY TO EASY to go at it alone. So we ate dinner and I had pretty much mentally, put the walk out of my to do list for the day. But then like a beacon of light, it hit me, just go BY YOURSELF. Such a foreign concept for me. The only person responsible for this goal is me and so the only one who can meet my goal is me, so I just need to do it. I excused myself, but my Eye of the Tiger face on, changed into gear, threw on the headphones and rocked it to some Nicki MiCra-cra for the next 45 minutes. Again super proud. I did however rock it a little to hard, because I opted out of the 9:45pm soccer game. :( Bad wife, I know. But could literally not keep my eyes open past 9. Must of been all those calories I'm burning. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself.

And I know what you're thinking, how are we going to celebrate? Well feast your eyes on this celebration of cuteness. You're Welcome. ;)

So that's my victory party! Any small victories you're celebrating lately? 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It WILL Happen

Today you get a twofer special. :) While thumbing clicking my daily blogs this morning, I stumbled upon an interview with Abby Larson, founder of the wedding blog Style Me Pretty. SUCH A GREAT ARTICLE, for multiple reasons. On the surface, the chick makes a living blogging about wedding awesomeness. And by makes a living I mean is married and has two kids and pays the bills doing what she loves. Insert my super jealous, how can I do that face here.

To be clear, I do work in front of my computer all day it does does pay the bills, but I am in no way blogging about wedding awesomeness, or any other awesomeness for that matter. I know this main topic of discussion on this blog so far has been about healthy living, but another craving I constantly battle is wanting to be HAPPY (hot topic this week, eh?) doing what I do for a living. I am so grateful to a.) Have a job and b.) Have a good paying job, but it's definitely not in a field I am passionate about. I often envy those, like Abbey, who get to do what they LOVE. I desperately WANT that. All the chords were struck as she talked about wanting to do something creative, something she was passionate about and I just feel like I haven't found that yet. But believe you me, I am still searching. And at the ripe age of 28, oh too soon be to 29, I am NOT giving up hope. And these real life renditions do nothing but make me believe it's actually possible. Maybe it's time to start putting pen to paper again with all the crazy ideas that run through my head, maybe one day, one of those bad boys will pay off.

I highly recommend reading the article if this post strikes your fancy. The Every Girl is one of my latest blogscriptions and so far, I am a happy subscriber! Totally add it to your blog list, you won't regret it.

Any blogs worth sharing you've come across???

The Game Plan

Socially, I'm a planner. I'm the person who plan months ahead of time. It can be annoying to certain friends and mostly my Mother, who is so spontaneous she couldn't commit to a plans 5 minutes in the future. My Mother in Law, on the other hand, is the same way, oober planner and I like to think we've bonded a little bit over that. I mean I have a day planner in my purse, wall calendar at home AND my iphone calendar. It's a bit of an obsession really, planning and lists. I'll save my list obsession for another post. But I digress...

As much as I LOVE to plan, I never seem to be able to stick to an exercise plan, coincidence...I think not. First off, I don't WANT to exercise, I think I've established and accepted that. And typically, people don't do what they don't want to. WORD. I always tend to get super gung-ho with my exercise plan potential. I will run 5 miles starting Monday and everyday thereafter followed by a mile bike ride and a few laps in the neighborhood pool. Hell, might as well cure cancer while I'm at it! These unrealistic goals just start swirling around in my head and for a split second I think, if I put my mind to it, I can do it. Well the truth is, I can, I can totally put my MIND to it. I CAN NOT, however, seem to put my actual ASS to it. As in get off my ass and do it! So a minor disconnect happening. I've submitted a trouble ticket and am waiting to hear back.

I do like the fact that I haven't given up hope on the front whatsoever. I continue to set these goals and expectations and although I continue to not deliver, maybe I should focus on the fact that I haven't given up the hope or the possibility that one day, ONE of these game plans will stick. Got to stay positive people! So last night, while on our evening walk, I sort of just blurted out a new plan. If I can stick to walking at least 5 times a week, for the next two weeks, on week three, I will start the couch to 5K routine. There it is folks, all shiny, blue and BOLD! Nothing too extravagant or unattainable, at least right now. I have to remember this isn't a sprint to healthy, it's a light jog, to ensure I do it the right way, to ensure I don't cheat and to mainly ensure I cross the finish line. I also have to remind myself that I am at a size that is not the most comfortable and I got this way from continuously doing nothing year after year. And it's not that we I am a lazy person, we I am just no exercise active and it's time for that to change. But jumping right into waking, jogging or running isn't going to be fun or easy. Hell, last night, my calf muscle cramped up after 5 minutes of walking! Now, I'm sure the 106 degree weather at 5:45pm wasn't helping, but it's going to take some time to dust the cobwebs off. And I'm okay with that.

I can't guarantee this goal will stick, but I'm going to do my hardest to make it to week three and then take it from there. Insert R Kelly's, I Believe I Can Fly Walk, playing in the background. Wish me luck.

What kind of goals do you set for yourself?

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Be Happy

I feel like my adventure to a healthier me has started on numerous occasions. I feel like it's a burning desire I carry with me, always. It's something I think about multiple times a day, because multiple times a day I am unhappy with something I observe about myself. I observe my double chin in the mirror as I am washing my hands in the bathroom, I observe the extra breath it takes for me to do simple tasks because I'm heavy, I observe the immediate feeling of disappointment after eating that candy bar I simply HAD TO HAVE all but 30 seconds before and I observe that I continuously THINK about doing something about it, but seldom actually take action. It's heart breaking and further more, there is no one else to blame but myself. I WANT to be that person who is like, "YEAH, come on, let's go run 10 miles and then chug a 10oz protein shake and be plenty full until dinner time, YEAH!". I just don't see that happening. I'm starting to wrap my brain around this concept of happiness. Happiness to me is not, not eating sugars or carbs just to be in a single digit clothes size. Happiness is feeling good about myself and not just about my winning personality, but feeling REALLY good about myself. I so often look in the mirror after doing my hair, my make-up and then getting dressed and say, UGH! That's not happy. I know everyone has their off days, but I want to get to the point where my off days are few and far between. I want to get to the point where I take the compliments from my husband without first thinking he's just saying that to make me feel better. I want not dread photographs (this is a BIG one). And honestly, I want to look on the outside, how I really feel in the inside, HAPPY! It's an incredible thing to be a woman and I want to celebrate my wit, my charm, my curves, my laughter, my heart and for no one else but myself. Don't we all owe ourselves that???


Friday, June 22, 2012

Window Shopper

You have ZERO idea how glad I am that it's Friday. Work has been nothing less of hellacious this week and I am very much looking forward to two whole days of relaxation, even more so than usual. Rather than relaxing I wish I was shopping, to be quite frank with you. Since we've deep dived into renovations, I have tried made a conscious effort spend a little less dough when it comes to matter of the wardrobe. It's not fun, but it's the least I can do. But it always seems that the minute I tighten the reins on my wallet, I come across the things that I simply must have. By the way, Pinterest does nothing to help in this matter. I mean my heart literally breaks at the idea of not being able to spend. :( So instead of purchasing, I am going to do a little sharing. Here are a few of my favorite fashion pins.

I have been searching for Nude pumps and these I could handle!
Seeking Man Boots.
Who doesn't LOVE a shirt dress?

Flutter sleeves make my heart melt.
Striving to mix mix fun colors and patterns.
This would make me feel so manly, in the most feminine way possible.
These could curb my gladiator addiction.
This could make me a Rebel WITH a cause, fo sho!

So there you have it. This is where all my money would go, if I had the  option of spending it. What do spend your moolah on?

*All picture credits can be found on my Pinterest page, while you're there, FOLLOW ME!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Sad Truth

I've come to the sad truth today that this...

is the body I want to have, I mean doesn't everybody!!!?? But this...

is how I would like to obtain it. Dilemma found, now how do I solve it????

Baby Let Me Be Your Motivation

Back so soon, can you believe it! I found this dress today and it not only screamed "buy me!" but also screamed "Get off you a$$ and DO SOMETHING!". Nothing like finding the right motivation to keep you me moving. If only I could convince my husband that buying said dress, that is not available in my today size, but will one day soon be worn in my one day size, is a mighty fine idea. Regardless, this lovely piece of drapery needs to be hanging in my closes stat. Here she is ladies, bask in her glory...

What motivates you ladies????

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


You poor faithful followers follower. I can't imagine how disheartening it is to pull up this blog on a daily basis and constantly see nothing from me. Believe me, it saddens me as well. Life has been hectic to say the least. The month of May kept us very, very busy. We celebrated 2 year wedding anniversaries, birthdays, Mommy's day, family reunions, the buying of a lake house (not ours, don't be too excited) and a wedding! Whew, just saying it again makes me tired. And June hasn't really seen much change. Each week bring another item to throw onto our calendars, but that is usually how the Summers go around here. Not to mention the month of June sends me into a work whirlwind, which is never fun.

Two Years Baby!
Alright, alright, alright...
Baby girl catching some sun.
Mommy's Day :)
Acker's 29th B-Day Shennanigans!
Michael and Mumsy, Stafford Family Reunion
Little man enjoying the water!
Kinsley's I do's.
New Family Lake House :)
Gettin' Chummy ;)
So I'm guessing the burning question on everyone's mind is, how is the eating and exercising going? About as well as our busy Summer schedule I would say. Things haven't really gotten back on course since my April, YES APRIL, work trip. The low sodium has really taken a back seat, but I can report I hardly EVER touch the table salt, not that that's enough. We've been making a conscious effort (by conscious, I mean we know we should, but aren't necessarily, doing) to eat at home, which is helping me stay away from fast food for the most part. But there are definitely slip ups here and there. And up until about two weeks ago, I would say exercise wasn't in my vocabulary at all. The last two weeks we've been taking about 45 minute walks in the evenings. In fact, in was during tonight's hour long, yep you read that right, a WHOLE HOUR, that I reminded myself it was about time I threw an entry onto this bad boy! I'm getting to the point where I don't have to talk myself into anymore, I actually am starting to enjoy them. I'm lucky enough, Vance goes with me, so that helps and today while taking a little break a work, I put together a bada$$ "WALK HARD" playlist! What am I jamming to you ask? Check it out...

The Motto-Drake
Crazy In Love-Beyoncé
We Found Love-Rihanna
Hollaback Girl-Gwen Stefani
Yeah 3X-Chris Brown
End of Time-Beyoncé
Addicted to You-Shakira
Starships-Nicki Minaj
Runaway Baby-Bruno Mars
Give Me Everything-Pitbull
Good Hit-Jennifer Lopez
Run the World (Girls)-Beyoncé
Party Rock Anthem-LMFAO
Wind It Up-Gwen Stefani
Rock That Body-Black Eyed Peas
Cat Daddy-Rej3ctz
Ring the Alarm-Beyoncé
Where Have You Been-Rihanna
Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough-Michael Jackson
Give a Little More-Maroon 5
Super Bass-Nicki Minaj
On The Floor-Jennifer Lopez
Rack City-Tyga
Moves Like Jagger-Maroon 5
Dance-Big Sean
Sweet Dreams-Beyoncé

In addition to our daily walks we have had a ton of house progress. Hardwood floors are in and new trim has been laid. We are very excited that things are continuing to progess.So that's life lately. We've been working on Vance's office and will continue to make our way around the house, making it a home. <3

Office Re-design.

Hopefully I won't let as much time pass before my next entry. What's been going on with you readers????