Wednesday, June 27, 2012

It WILL Happen

Today you get a twofer special. :) While thumbing clicking my daily blogs this morning, I stumbled upon an interview with Abby Larson, founder of the wedding blog Style Me Pretty. SUCH A GREAT ARTICLE, for multiple reasons. On the surface, the chick makes a living blogging about wedding awesomeness. And by makes a living I mean is married and has two kids and pays the bills doing what she loves. Insert my super jealous, how can I do that face here.

To be clear, I do work in front of my computer all day it does does pay the bills, but I am in no way blogging about wedding awesomeness, or any other awesomeness for that matter. I know this main topic of discussion on this blog so far has been about healthy living, but another craving I constantly battle is wanting to be HAPPY (hot topic this week, eh?) doing what I do for a living. I am so grateful to a.) Have a job and b.) Have a good paying job, but it's definitely not in a field I am passionate about. I often envy those, like Abbey, who get to do what they LOVE. I desperately WANT that. All the chords were struck as she talked about wanting to do something creative, something she was passionate about and I just feel like I haven't found that yet. But believe you me, I am still searching. And at the ripe age of 28, oh too soon be to 29, I am NOT giving up hope. And these real life renditions do nothing but make me believe it's actually possible. Maybe it's time to start putting pen to paper again with all the crazy ideas that run through my head, maybe one day, one of those bad boys will pay off.

I highly recommend reading the article if this post strikes your fancy. The Every Girl is one of my latest blogscriptions and so far, I am a happy subscriber! Totally add it to your blog list, you won't regret it.

Any blogs worth sharing you've come across???

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