Friday, June 22, 2012

Window Shopper

You have ZERO idea how glad I am that it's Friday. Work has been nothing less of hellacious this week and I am very much looking forward to two whole days of relaxation, even more so than usual. Rather than relaxing I wish I was shopping, to be quite frank with you. Since we've deep dived into renovations, I have tried made a conscious effort spend a little less dough when it comes to matter of the wardrobe. It's not fun, but it's the least I can do. But it always seems that the minute I tighten the reins on my wallet, I come across the things that I simply must have. By the way, Pinterest does nothing to help in this matter. I mean my heart literally breaks at the idea of not being able to spend. :( So instead of purchasing, I am going to do a little sharing. Here are a few of my favorite fashion pins.

I have been searching for Nude pumps and these I could handle!
Seeking Man Boots.
Who doesn't LOVE a shirt dress?

Flutter sleeves make my heart melt.
Striving to mix mix fun colors and patterns.
This would make me feel so manly, in the most feminine way possible.
These could curb my gladiator addiction.
This could make me a Rebel WITH a cause, fo sho!

So there you have it. This is where all my money would go, if I had the  option of spending it. What do spend your moolah on?

*All picture credits can be found on my Pinterest page, while you're there, FOLLOW ME!

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