Thursday, June 28, 2012


I am posting today to celebrate small victories, because let's face it, the large victories are so far and few between, I have to have SOMETHING to keep me motivated. Tuesday night we had a little movie on the couch action. We rented 21 Jump Street and it was AWESOME, go rent it, like right now, go. Our normal routine as of late has been come home, make dinner, eat dinner, digest dinner and then head out for our evening walk some time between 7:30pm and 8:00pm. And earlier than that and it's hotter than Hades, more on that to follow. So, to allow for the movie mix, I suggested we walk first and then proceed to with our dinner plans as normal. So we did and I sooo regret it. Before we even hit the end of our street I was cotton mouthed, my right calf had cramped up, I couldn't keep the sweat out of my eyes and my skin felt like it had thousands of tiny fire ants crawling all of it from the sun beating down on us. MISERABLE. We battled through the rest of our walk, not without me threatening to stop by every house to ask for water, or tempted to sprawl out under any shaded area we came across just for some shelter from the sun. We successfully made it home, but not without looking like I had just been rescued from a week long trek through the Sahara Desert. It was bad. But I have to say I was very proud of myself for having walked at all. The old me would have just as easily skipped the walk, just like that. Small Victory #1! 

Small Victory #2  happened yesterday. And for those of you paying attention, you read that right, that's two small victories back to back B!TCHES. Insert DJ Khaled's All I Do is Win right...about...NOW!

Okay, I'm back. As I was saying, yesterday I got home to discover Acker has invited his brother and brother's girlfriend over for dinner before their soccer game. So Acker was not going to be able to do our walk with me. Having a partner is crime on this little journey is a MUST for me. I can talk myself into and out of things WAY TO EASY to go at it alone. So we ate dinner and I had pretty much mentally, put the walk out of my to do list for the day. But then like a beacon of light, it hit me, just go BY YOURSELF. Such a foreign concept for me. The only person responsible for this goal is me and so the only one who can meet my goal is me, so I just need to do it. I excused myself, but my Eye of the Tiger face on, changed into gear, threw on the headphones and rocked it to some Nicki MiCra-cra for the next 45 minutes. Again super proud. I did however rock it a little to hard, because I opted out of the 9:45pm soccer game. :( Bad wife, I know. But could literally not keep my eyes open past 9. Must of been all those calories I'm burning. At least that's what I'm going to tell myself.

And I know what you're thinking, how are we going to celebrate? Well feast your eyes on this celebration of cuteness. You're Welcome. ;)

So that's my victory party! Any small victories you're celebrating lately? 

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