Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Be Happy

I feel like my adventure to a healthier me has started on numerous occasions. I feel like it's a burning desire I carry with me, always. It's something I think about multiple times a day, because multiple times a day I am unhappy with something I observe about myself. I observe my double chin in the mirror as I am washing my hands in the bathroom, I observe the extra breath it takes for me to do simple tasks because I'm heavy, I observe the immediate feeling of disappointment after eating that candy bar I simply HAD TO HAVE all but 30 seconds before and I observe that I continuously THINK about doing something about it, but seldom actually take action. It's heart breaking and further more, there is no one else to blame but myself. I WANT to be that person who is like, "YEAH, come on, let's go run 10 miles and then chug a 10oz protein shake and be plenty full until dinner time, YEAH!". I just don't see that happening. I'm starting to wrap my brain around this concept of happiness. Happiness to me is not, not eating sugars or carbs just to be in a single digit clothes size. Happiness is feeling good about myself and not just about my winning personality, but feeling REALLY good about myself. I so often look in the mirror after doing my hair, my make-up and then getting dressed and say, UGH! That's not happy. I know everyone has their off days, but I want to get to the point where my off days are few and far between. I want to get to the point where I take the compliments from my husband without first thinking he's just saying that to make me feel better. I want not dread photographs (this is a BIG one). And honestly, I want to look on the outside, how I really feel in the inside, HAPPY! It's an incredible thing to be a woman and I want to celebrate my wit, my charm, my curves, my laughter, my heart and for no one else but myself. Don't we all owe ourselves that???


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