Monday, August 13, 2012

Cats Out of The Bag!

The absence of posts here is definitely related to the absence of my motivation and will power to do, well, anything at this point. The last couple of weeks have been tough on several fronts, so I am going to spit the basics off to bring us up to speed.

Last Monday, one of my best friends from high school had his first son! Went to visit him at the hospital and take him and his new family lunch.

Got food poisoning from said lunch and spent Monday night dying in the bathroom and Tuesday and Wednesday re-cooperating and losing about 5 lbs!

Broke down and joined a plus size boot camp, wasn't all that is was cracked up to be. Attended the Monday session, missed the Wednesday session due to death by Taco Deli and attended the make-up session on Saturday, which happened to be a different class. The class was Tabatas and it ruled and I've switched to that class on Tues/Thurs/Sat, SUPER EXCITED. This is my red face after getting my ass kicked.

So as of lately, I am trying to eat things like this...

and these yummy Kix to crave my appetite. Probably not the BEST choice, but a vast improvement from before.

I'll keep you posted. :)