Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How's Your Eating Going...

Yesterday, mid squat thrust my trainer comes over and asks, "So Stephanie, How's your eating going,". Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well the honest truth is my eating is going about as well as the squat thrusts, TERRIBLE and PAINFUL! I might have discussed this before, but I truly feel like I have some sort of an emotional tie to food. I've never been a binge eater, I don't think, and have never been bulimic, but I tend to eat what I'm feeling. After bad days I want to dive head first into chocolate and ice cream with a side of brownies and a pizza on top. I mean honestly, that sentence basically sums it up. I've never dieted because the thought of not being able to eat what it is I might crave just makes me all kinds of crazy. How sad is that?????  I feel like I have ZERO will power to put down the bad stuff and pick up the good. It's sort of depressing. That's why I decided to focus on exercising first. As much as I don't want to do it, I'd much rather continue to eat what I want and just suffer through 4 hours of sweat and tears a week. Again, terrible, TERRIBLE statement, but it's truth.

Before I sound like a complete lost cause and I realize it may be too late for that I'd like it noted that I have given up all fast food joints. Except for the occasional I slept late, didn't have time to make breakfast so I had to stop and grab something. And, I have been trying to drink more tea and less carbonated sodas. The best cure for this is the mini sodas. Plus, they are so cute! So it's not for lack of effort that my eating sucks...right?

You are probably wondering why I am telling you all of this. One, this is a little therapeutic and two, I want to try a cut a few more things from my plethora of food choices. I'd like to start cutting back on bread, insert audience OOOOooooooooh noise now, and on my sweets intake. For any of you out there who know me, this has got to be my GREATEST down obsession with dessert! Before I can even take my last bite of whatever meal I am having, I have already started to think about what I am getting for dessert. I mean seriously, there has got to be a disease for that, right!!!??!! I mean at the same moment I am writing this post, I have been talking to a lady who I am hiring to make a cake for my Mom's retirement party and I am so excited about eating this cake the party is like a MONTH AWAY! What is wrong with me. I'm digressing. So long story short, starting today I am going to try and NOT eat something sweet after EVERY meal, but try not to eat anything sweet at all. I don't know how many days it will last, I know Friday is my cousin's birthday and my Aunt has ordered her wedding cake flavor and I've been thinking about that ALL week too, so my chances aren't good.

So far today, the only sweet I've had was the sugar in my coffee. I got back from lunch and my devil of a co-worker had brought me back a chocolate chip cookie the size of my face. Not to mention the package of Reese's Peanut Butter Big Cups in my desk drawer. So this will be interesting to say the least. I will do my best to be honest and check in with you. And just so you know just HOW HARD this will be, I've already come up with a list of things I want to eat since I've decided not to eat them. It goes a little something like this... (all found via Pinterest)

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