Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Well Hello There...

Are introductions back in order? Posting has been like slowly peeling off a band aid, that is REALLY stuck on there. I've clicked the link to this blog several times with words just sitting on the tips of my fingertips and then...nothing. So I've hit the X box to close out and tired again a few days later. Same thing happened. I finally realized that my posting would be me having to fess up to being unaccountable, unmotivated and under achieving. But it is what it is. And how else do you over come a hurdle, other than crossing over it, learning from it and maybe doing better the next time. So, here's to me crossing the hurdle.

Since last we met I was slowly but surely on the decline. I had stopped attending the tabatas class I was taking and didn't re-enlist. Before I knew it holidays were creeping up and then in blink of an eye it was 2013!!! Where does the time go? I kept talking to Vance about signing back up for my class, but never did it. I started to look for a rec volleyball team I could join for SOME exercise, but quickly talked myself out of that as well. Then, about 2-3 weeks into January I got an email from the lady who ran the tabatas class. She was running a special for a 4 week session. It was heavily discounted, so without hesitation I registered and immediately started dreading the following Tuesday!

I took every mental and physical bone in my body to get to class. Being lazy is like a wet blanket. But I arrived, participated, hyperventilated, felt like dying, but more importantly, SURVIVED. I enrolled for Tues/Thur Tabatas for 4 weeks. And it took that full 4 weeks to get back into the groove. The thing I LOVE about this class is that it's all women, of ALL shapes and sizes and fitness levels. Everyone is very inviting and FUN and I feel VERY comfortable. We also very easily fall into the role of keeping tabs on each other. Making sure we all show up, which is nice. One of the ladies in my class mentions she also attends class on Mondays and Wednesdays. Those two days are strength training. She said there were only 3 ladies in that class total and that I should think about joining. When the 4 weeks was up I signed back up for my Tues/Thurs day and then added the Mon/Wed one! This is week 3 of the 4 day work out schedule. Besides a few overlaps between work and personal things during the week, I've been doing pretty good with my attendance. I actually find it easier to go 4 days in a row, rather than just two days. The momentum totally helps. Friday thru Sunday I try to at least get a walk or two in there, maybe do a little hiking with the family. But for now, I am focusing on making this 4 day workout routine a permanent task in my week.

Results??? Why yes, I think I've seen a few. To be clear, I have seen ZERO lbs shed. Like NONE what so ever. In fact, I think I have gained a few. But things are fitting better. Denim jackets that I bought a size smaller are starting to feel a little baggy and I am able to button it now! I feel like my gut hangs out just a little less than it used to. But the biggest result has been my energy level. Having said that, last week and this, I've had a little set back in the energy department, but for the most part it has definitely increased! I used to come home from class and feel completely defeated. Like, even eating took effort. So I would drag myself to the car from the studio, practically crawl to the front door, muster up the strength to lift and pour milk into my cereal bowl from the gallon jug and try to make the journey from the bowl to the spoon with minimal spillage. Next, I would bitch and moan through removing workout clothes and try to stand on wobbly legs through the worlds quickest/hottest shower known to man. I would suffer through putting on pj's and then basically tuck and roll into my side of the bed, where I would hunker down for the night, at a whopping 8:15 pm at night!!! Hahahahaha. Pathetic.

These days I come home still a little sore, but so pumped! We usually start dinner when I get home, eat at the table, like a civilized family and then pack my clothes for tomorrow's workout, maybe do a load of laundry. Might watch of few episodes of something good on TV and then call it a night after my shower. It's an amazing feeling.

I know that all sounds like roses and butterflies, but there are a few draw backs. I have done nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to change my eating habits. :( One, I am weak and two, I just don't wanna. Well and I guess three, I feel like I need to tackle one hurdle at a time. So I'm choosing to focus on the exercise for right now. I'm guessing that's probably why I haven't seen any lbs fall off yet. I will say the more I work out and don't see the lbs fall off, the more compelled I am to start working on my food intake. So maybe shortly I will be starting that little adventure. Until then I am back...with vengeance and ready to give this thing another go.

What have you guys been up to for the past 7 months?

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