Monday, July 9, 2012

Lazy Weekends

Our weekend can pretty much be summed up like this...

We had every intention of making our way back down to the lake this weekend. Friday we were just too tired to make the trip after work. We had dinner with some friends and then enjoyed a very mellow evening at home. Vance on the couch watching terrible tv and I in the bed intently reading. At around 11pm, Vance joins me in bed and at about 11:30am he shoots out of bed and runs to the bathroom. I barely have the energy to muster, what's wrong? Not only did our sewer line back up, but it has backed up so much so that our shower and bath tub were sitting rivers of SH!T. I'm not sure how we didn't notice or smell in until then, but soooooooooooooooooooo glad that he did, when he did, because we were VERY close to things being WAY more difficult then they already were. Vance worked his handy man magic and was able to get the standing shit sewage of out the shower and tub. We slept with one ear and eye opened for the rest of the night.

The next morning we called our local plumbing specialist, ABC Home and Commercial Services, and we were quickly put into queue. Needless to say we weren't all that willing to leave the house for the rest of the weekend, for a couple of reasons. 1.) A plumbers visit to your house on a Saturday is not the most inexpensive ticket items and 2.) The thought of coming back from the lake house to a flooded house was not at all appealing. So we stayed in town and laid low and it was actually quite relaxing. We had a little visit to the puppy park, I did a little birthday shopping (which I wasn't supposed to be doing) and we visited with a few friends we hadn't seen in a while. All in all, a unexpected GREAT weekend.

What DIDN'T happen, I hate to inform you, was my 5 days of walking. :( The holiday I think threw me a curve ball. My week went a little something like this.

Monday: Walked
Tuesday: Walked at lake house
Wednesday: OFF
Thursday: Walked with New Shoes :)
Friday: OFF
Saturday: Walked MILDLY at the puppy park
Sunday: Walked around the mall. ;)

So at least I didn't just lay horizontal, I didn't really suit up and give it my all either, though. :( On Thursday, the new shoes were giving me a little grief, which made me walk a little weird, which made me hurt a little more than usual. I'm a wuss, I know. So I think the lacked couple of days might have been a good thing. But I am shaking off last week's track record and jumping right back in this evening.

How was your weekend???

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