Tuesday, July 3, 2012

So Naturally...

Yesterday I ventured to Target, one of my favorite places to visit, in search of two birthday cards and a new sports bra. The summer brings birthdays galore in my family and starting the last week of June we have one a week for a while. The sports bra is needed as I am in need of some extra support, enough said. While on my way to the sports bra table, I happened to notice there was a sale on swim suit pieces. Now, am I NEVER up for swimsuit shopping, but with the frequent Lake House visits we go on and a mini vacation sneaking up in us in August, I thought it may not be a bad idea to invest in another suit. I have one that I love and wear ALL the time, so the poor girl is close to being worn out. Let it be said, there is no more sure fire way to induce a bad mood/binge eating fest other than swim suit shopping. Now as a fair assessment, I had not yet eaten lunch, so big mistake there. But as soon as I decided on a suit that made me the least Grendel looking, I flew to the check out and RAN to McDonald's to console my breaking heart. So naturally, this is what ended up going down at my desk around 1:00pm. :(

I ate my burger and sipped on my sweet tea, but about 15 fries in I had this overwhelming since of disgust, threw everything into the bag and threw it away and was left with my swimsuit and disappointment.

I know that right now I am focusing on the exercise portion, that my goal right now is to continue to walk 5 times a week. But I don't want that to give me permission to stuff my mouth with the world's most terrible foods, which I feel is what I've been doing. I just know that if I try to tackle too many things at one time, I will be setting myself up for failure.

So last night, my Mom, Dad, Aunt and sister came over for a birthday dinner. And once bellies were full, dishes washed and leftovers packed, I laced up my tennis shoes and hit the pavement for a late night 45 minute walk. I felt a little better having done something good, after my something bad.

This morning I was back to feeling better about myself and actually excited about my new swim suit purchase. No one ever said this little journey was going to be easy or speedy for that matter. And sometimes I catch myself envious of those other weight loss bloggers who set out to lose weight and then just do it. Like BAM, today it hit me and I am putting down everything that is bad for me and working out everyday and yes, some days  are hard, but I'm superwoman and that's that. Why can't I be those girls? Why is this soooooooo difficult for me? Why is it so hard to make this lifestyle change?

I don't really have the answers to those questions, other than I can only be me and I can only do this my way. And I really need to just focus on the good and know that eventually if I can continue the progress and the positive attitude that it can ONLY point me in the right direction. And as far as all those other super weight loss bloggers, I am going to keep them in my thoughts as THIS WILL ONE DAY BE ME!

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