Thursday, July 26, 2012

The LONG Road Ahead

I am going to refer back to my very first post and wonder WHY ON EARTH can't I be one of those weight loss bloggers who decides to change and sticks with it? What magic piece to this puzzle am I missing? I think it goes without saying that I did not stick to my goal of walking five times a week, for two weeks straight. My choices are I can beat myself up about it or, I can accept that it didn't happen this time, reflect on why it didn't happen and make changes accordingly to give another go, right?

I have noticed, especially these last two days, that I am VERY dependent on Vance to help me achieve this goal. I need to work on being more self reliant. He's been feeling a little off this week and opted out of walking on Tuesday and Wednesday and surprise, did I. I couldn't just leave him on the couch all cute and cuddly!

Please excuse our dirty laundry!
I like when Vance goes for a couple reasons. One, I'm kinda partial to him, two he pushes me to walk longer and three, we seem to have some pretty good convo's on our little walks. We make all sorts of plans... money plans, budget plans, dinner plans, weekend plans, 2nd house plans, its a planners dream!

When I walk I tend to max out an an hour. On average, I'm good for a solid 45 minutes. When Vance comes with me, I'm guaranteed a hour and a half, it's brutal, but I do it and it feels somewhat miserable great after! Needless to say, he is a valued asset, but I need to start relying on my own assets, I have plenty, to accomplish my goals.

So it seems the long road ahead just keeps getting longer. :( I don't know how many washes I am going to give myself, as of right now, it seems like as many as it takes. So I will call this week a wash, reset the goal and  hope for better results next week.

What are you guys doing to stay on track???

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