Sunday, June 16, 2013

Phase One, Day Seven

We're you expecting me to say I only made it through day two and caved!!!??? Maybe that I slipped and forgo I wasn't supposed to have something and decided to give in and just start all over another time!!??? Believe me, both of those scenarios crossed my mind as cop outs, but I am here to tell you the this ship has stayed it's course! 

I have survived through multiple dining out adventures, a birthday party with about 4 different kinds of cake and even a Father's Day brunch buffet fit for a king! I would have killed for a piece of cake today. Like yellow cake with chocolate icing or a double dose, chocolate cake and chocolate icing. Mmmmmmm. Sorry, I've been distracted. Alright, minus having to battle daily cravings popping up  at random, so far so good. I am eating a lot of chicken, have embraced quinoa and am officially having a love affair with bananas. They are my sweet tooth contender. I've said it before and I'll say it again banana ice cream is my savior, and I'm hoping I will one day be able to throw a little Nutella into that mix. Yumness! I can't seem to buy enough lemons and avocados and rice and veggies and the name of the game. Fruit is my snack and dessert for several meals!

Another item I am missing is drinking anything other than water. I miss my coffee and tea. I feel like I will find out that caffeine is one of my no no items and that makes me so sad. But water has taken over my life, so refreshing but very boring at the moment. Not to mention the multiple bathroom breaks make me feel like I'm 9 months pregnant. I've never been 9 months pregnant, but I'm just guessing.

As for how I'm feeling, I flip flop between have random spurts of energy and feeling like I could fall asleep anywhere at anytime. Again, bloating and fullness in my stomach is gone! I think some if that is the foods I am eating don't make my innards feel like they are being stretched to the max! Bowel movements have been regular and that's about all I will share on that. :) I didn't weigh myself when I started this cleanse and I hadn't weighed  myself prior to that in a while. From the last weigh in, several weeks ago and the latest weigh in there is a difference of about 13 lbs. I know that wasn't all in this week, but I bet a good 5 of it was! May e that's wishful thinking. But I weighed tonight and will weigh again next Sunday, so we'll have a more accurate number. 

Will update you guys soon. Until then I will leave you with my dinner tonight, which was baked chicken wings marinated in almond milk and then sprinkled with salt, pepper, garlic powder and a little paprika. I served them with rice and asparagus and it was delicious! The leftovers will make lunch for tomorrow, score!

Hope you had a great Father's Day!

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