Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Phase Two, Day Two

That's right folks, I made it! Two whole weeks of deprivation. I am a little shocked myself. 2nd week was a tad easier than the first week from a routine stand point, but I think the cravings were actually worse. I think the idea of being closer to being able to eat other food again, made me want those food so much more. Sunday night I was sitting there impatiently and decided I would start to reintroduce my first food that night. Hey! I deserved a little something something for sticking it out! So I poured myself a nice cold glass of 2% milk and gulped it down. It was delicious. But anything new compared to what I've been eating would be delicious at this point. I didn't experience any issues. Last night, I had the same and again so far so good. I'm hoping my third night with La Leche will be a success. Then you are supposed to go back into detox for 3 days and try the next food. These are their recommendations for testers...

 Soy: Organic tofu, edamame, home-made soy milk
 Corn: Organic fresh corn, polenta, grits
 Yeast: Vinegars (balsamic, white), pickles, olives canned in vinegar, other fermented foods
 Eggs: Organic eggs, cooked in any manner (scrambled plain, poached, hard-boiled, etc.)
 Dairy: Milk, cheese, butter or yogurts
 Gluten: Whole wheat pasta, shredded wheat cereal, whole wheat tortilla, bulgur wheat, rye or spelt.

I don't see the reintroduction phase going as planned for me, but I will do my best. An in the spirit of being honest, I do have a confession to make. I cheated. This morning I broke down, walked over to the cafeteria at work and bought a sausage and cheese croissant. I took 3 bites and threw it out. It's not that it tasted bad, I just literally started to feel guilty about giving in now, after ALL that hard work. So I picked up my regular scheduled breakfast, a banana, ate it and moved on. The good news is, no upset stomach, so far, but I did only have 3 bites, big bites, but just 3 none the less.

It's so funny, of all things to cave on, I didn't think it would be that! I think my momentary slip was due to my lack of energy. I'm still extremely fatigued. I think I need carbs! It may be time to consult with a nutritionist some time in the near future. I honestly don't know if eating healthy is worth it if I have to deal with feeling THIS tired all the time. I don't even have the energy to go walking right now. Eat and sleep is all I do. :(

So, I am hoping I can power through this lull and keep progressing. I will check back in, in a few days!

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