Sunday, June 9, 2013

Process of Elimination

Tomorrow (hopefully) I start the Dr. Myers Elimination Diet. I hate that it's called a diet, but I'll make do. One of my best friends Mother in Law and Aunt are currently on the program and were sweet enough to pass along the ebook so I can follow. Her Aunt is Gluten Intolerant and allergic to corn! The diet pretty much is broken down into two phases, the elimination is phase 1. For 14 days there is no alcohol, caffeine, sugar, artificial sweeteners, no fast food, junk food, processed foods, no sweets, no wheat, flour, corn...basically the list of what I can eat is shorter than what I can. Those items are just the ones that hit closest to home. Phase 2 is reintroducing these foods one by one to see how your body reacts. At the end, you should know what foods are working for you and what foods are working against you. At least, that is the plan!

Yes, I am totally aware of how difficult this is going to be. I know my success is solely dependent on my ability to apply myself to this plan. And to STICK with it. But here's the thing, if I can't do this I get to continue with exactly how things are currently. Yes, I will be able to eat all the crap I want, but I will also be able to continue being overweight, unhealthy, tired, have stomach issues, be insecure and self conscious. OR, I can make a solid attempt to take control of my eating habits. What's the worst that can happen? I feel better? How terrible would that be? Maybe even lose a little weight? Man, that would just be horrible!

So over the next 14 days, I need instant reminders of what I am gaining from this to help me stay the course. A super list of pros that is so phenomenal, the option of not succeeding isn't even a possibility! I am going to work on this list tonight and post tomorrow. I have a feeling I will need  the reminder/ motivation tomorrow.

Thanks for lending the ear/ eye. Have any of you done the Elimination diet? Any advice?

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