Thursday, April 5, 2012


Whoa, today was such a bitter sweet day. Let me start with the sweet, today we welcomed Brody Dean Dyer into the world! Brody, Momma and Daddy are all doing great and we can't be more happy for the new little family.

Now, for the bitter. Breakfast and lunch were great today and I was feeling really positive about my eating decisions. But dinner came around and after waiting around for Brody at the hospital for 3 hours, Vance has a hankerin' for Carl's Jr. which we passed on the way in. As supportive as Vance is, the truth of the matter is he's not the one who is on a low-sodium diet and I don't expect him to have to make the sacrifices I do. But, instead of just letting him order his food and I eat something at home, I gave in and ordered a burger, fries and a coke! Can you say no, no? I finished the burger but passes on the fries and only had a few sips of the coke and I feel miserable. I'm sitting here totally disappointed in myself and with a rather upset stomach to add on top of that. More importantly, I'm sitting wondering when and where I'll find the strength to rise above these situations and make the better choices.

Not the best way to start my three day weekend, but there's always tomorrow, right? Until then, I'll leave you with this sweet face, which makes everything better!

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