Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Fitness Pal

Had another great food day today. Had a repeat of yesterday's breakfast and lunch. Dinner was grilled pork chops, roasted garlic red potatoes and grilled asparagus. It was very good! Tomorrow I will be attempting to make a low sodium Greek salad, I'll let you know how that goes.

I wanted to talk about my food journaling. My ultimate goal weight is 150 lbs. My Fitness Pal has suggested a daily intake of 1570 calories. I thought that was fairly do-able, but I'm finding out very quickly that low sodium foods tend to be high in calories. So, it hasn't been very easy to stick within in daily calorie goal. :) Foods like mayonnaise, sour cream and cream cheese, which are normally no-no's, are low sodium super stars, crazy huh! I guess it's a bit of a toss up. And of course I could cut out the Nutella and cheese, but with cutting the sodium out of my diet, I need all the help I can get in the flavor department. What the food journaling has forced me to do is measure out servings which helps keep the calorie count down and keeps my portion control...under control!

I have to say in pretty proud of my food progress. And although I wish I had just as great reports on the exercise front, I don't. I'd beat myself up more, but I feel like I have a lot of changes to make and conquering all of those all at once seems a bit overwhelming. So I'm going to stick to my one step at a time program and hope the exercise will soon come in stride! I'm also sort of helping any weight loss that comes along with eating better will only push me to want to do more to continue losing!

I haven't decided on a weigh in schedule yet, any suggestions?

You guys having any difficulties changing your food habits and exercise habits all at once?